(This is our 2013 Thanksgiving Day Prayer)
On this Thanksgiving Day, let's all say thanks to Michigan State University, for all the happiness that has come to all of us in Spartan Nation from the success of our major sports teams:
The MSU MEN'S BASKETBALL team is on a SIX-GAME WIN STREAK and is ranked #1 in the nation
The MSU FOOTBALL team is on a SEVEN-GAME WIN STREAK and is ranked #11 in the nation
The MSU WOMEN'S BASKETBALL team is on a FIVE-GAME WIN STREAK and is ranked #21 in the nation
The achievements of these teams has come through hard work, not luck; through perseverance, not chance; and through the dedication of hundreds of men and women focused on their daily assignments, not simply because a huge pot of money was left at their doorstep overnight.
While there are many more important things for which we should be thankful, we have all had many holiday seasons that we have experienced without the joy which these teams have brought to us and our families, as they have done this year.
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And MSU soccer is in the elite eight: http://www.msuspartans.com/sports/m-soccer/recaps/120113aaa.html