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Friday, October 16, 2015


2007: "I was just laughing. I thought it was funny. (The Spartans) got excited, it's good. Sometimes you get your little brother excited when you're playing basketball and let him get the lead. Then you just come back and take it back." - Mike Hart

Does Michigan State really have Michigan "right where they want them", as stated in this article? Considering the way MSU seems to come out guns ablazing in their games - - - and then goes to sleep - - - and how almost EVERYONE is picking UM to win this game, could it be Mark Dantonio has been playing a little mind game all season long - - - on a bigger scale - - - with ole' Blue-and-Yellow?

2015: Could it be that in the post-game press conference Dantonio says something like this? "I was just laughing. I thought it was funny. (The Wolverines) got excited LEADING UP TO THIS GAME, it's good. Sometimes you get your little brother excited when you're playing basketball and let him get the lead. Then you just come back and take it back."

Not a chance, but I'd like to think the outcome of the game has the same effect without any Spartan having to say even a word.

By the way, Mike Hart has had a change of heart. Awfully big of him aye? Sorry - you can't put that genie back in the bottle.

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