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Thursday, October 16, 2014


We keep hearing about what a nice guy Hoke is, especially with his players, whom he frequently refers to as his "115 sons". (Very festive of him to wear his halloween costume for the big night game.) Reports indicate he actually kisses his players good-bye on the field during pre-game festivities on Senior Day. That sort of reputation must mean Hoke does a great job keeping his "sons" on the straight-and-narrow path to Michigan Manhood.

Or not? Is it true that a dozen UM players have had legal problems the last few years, even with Father Brady at the helm? Let's look at the record.

Here are the names of University of Michigan football players who've had legal scrapes during the Hoke Era. (If we've missed any, we invite readers to submit information in the "Comments" below.)

March 15, 2014:  GRAHAM GLASGOW
Operating a vehicle while intoxicated

December 1, 2013:  TAYLOR LEWAN
Disorderly Person Drunk / Disturbing the Peace

October 27, 2013:  A. J. WILLIAMS
Operating a vehicle while intoxicated / underage drinking / running a stop sign

July 18, 2013:  CSONT'E YORK
Assault and Battery / Aggravated Assault

November 4, 2012:  DENARD ROBINSON
Driving with a suspended license

July 21, 2012: FITZ TOUSSAINT
Driving under the influence

June 14, 2012: FRANK CLARK
Second-degree felony home invasion

April 7, 2012:  WILL CAMPBELL
Malicious destruction of property

February 4, 2012:  JERALD ROBINSON
Malicious destruction of personal property

September 29, 2011:  MARVIN ROBINSON
Second degree home invasion

Well, not quite a dozen, but that's ten players arrested under Brady Hoke. We didn't count Daryl Stonum, as we are crediting him to the RichRod account. Same with Brendan Gibbons, though a case could be made that Hoke played roles with both miscreant players.

So maybe put a hold on the statue-building for now, at least until we see if Michigan can make it through this weekend without any more players getting arrested.

Did we miss any? Please feel free to


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