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Monday, December 7, 2015


There are so many milestones in the storied history of the University of Michigan Football team, many of them dating back to the time before football. The rugby accolades alone are enough to make your head spin, especially if you consider rugby to be "football".

Today is the 10-year anniversary of a very special date in Wolverine history. It's the day that UM Football star Larry Harrison was (finally) convicted of Indecent Exposure. Charges were brought against Harrison for his multiple "strokes of genius" in the student neighborhoods of Ann Arbor. The details are sordid, and we'll leave it at that.

The sports media portrayal of Michigan athletes aims to convince us that these are very special people - - - the "leaders and best" - - - and that they should be honored and respected as soon as they put on their yellow shorts, no matter what they do. But the reality is that UM athletes aren't a darned bit better than their counterparts at Ohio STATE, Florida State, Notre Dame, and Southern Methodist University. They are just as likely to screw-up as any student at any other place. They're not "special".

To put things into perspective, look at the beating that Connor Cook is taking in the sports media regarding some form of protocol with a surprise post-game handshake. Now look at the Larry Harrison story. Which one do you think will last longer in the collective memories of fans who follow MSU and UM?

For a comprehensive review of the misdeeds perpetrated by the Michigan miscreants, try out this link.


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