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Friday, July 3, 2015


What a nice run Jim Harbaugh just had. No, not the shirtless romp at the camp with young boys. And not the sluggish interrogation session on ESPN national radio this week. We're talking about "Harbaugh Month"! It was great, but now it's over and time to move on.

And who better to feature in the month of July than the man who was "The Savior" before "The Real Savior" arrived, John Beilein!

Does anybody remember John Beilein?
He's the guy who missed the NIT last season.
Right, THAT John Beilein!

We will present an assortment of articles about Beilein and his merry band of pranksters that appeared on this web site during the last basketball season, all through this month.

Stay tuned for "John Beilein Month",
right here on DUMP-the-chUMps!

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