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Friday, January 15, 2016


Jim Harbaugh probably has that "fresh" feeling today, having just spent the night in the bedroom of a teenage boy. He must feel like a new man!

The Michigan Head Football Coach set a new standard for low behavior when he invited himself into the bedroom of a high school player who has already verbally committed to another school. It's an unbelievably brash action that seems more likely to happen in the Catholic Church than in college sports.

Jim Harbaugh should be nominated for the "Jerry Sandusky"
award for indecent behavior by a football coach.

Nobody knows what happened behind the closed bedroom doors between Harbaugh and the teenager, much like nobody (except maybe Joe Paterno) knew what was happening in the locker-rooms at Penn State. The fact that Harbaugh initiated such a midnight rendezvous says more about his sociopathic tendencies than any of his other antics.

Did Harbaugh do the "walk of shame" back to Shembechler Hall? Would Shembechler himself have slept with a teenage boy just to flip his commitment? Will anybody notice what just happened?

Michigan fans are drunk with hope over their "way-too-early" preseason rankings for next season, causing them to not be able to see straight. When they come to their senses and realize what just happened, they may get a little sick to their stomach.

This story will not go away.
Many people working in the field of child abuse
will eventually hear about this, and they will
weigh-in against Harbaugh.

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