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Thursday, September 17, 2015


There are so many ways to look at this football season after just two weeks, by fans of many schools, optimists and pessimists alike. We found a great perspective from Spartan Fan JUSTIN GILBERT in the comment thread following a Free Press article about the Michigan State offense.

Here is the article, and here is the quote:

Justin Gilbert ·
This is just awesome. State is ranked 4th in the country, just beat #7, and is 2-0 while averaging almost 35 points a game and not nearly playing their best yet. And people are upset. UM is ranked somewhere around 50th, has played about as good as they could so far, and is excited to beat the 149th team in the nation. And the UM fans are going wild over it. I love the State of football in Michigan!!
Like · Reply · 2 hrs


  1. Who said we were happy with the performance against UNLV? By the way, Utah, Michigan and UNLV just had the top-3 biggest leaps in the nation this past week according to Utah goes from 32 to 14, Michigan from 34 to 16, UNLV from 115 to 92

    1. We haven't "talked football" much (yet) because your coach hasn't stripped down and drove drunk (again) yet, nor has his alcoholic buddy done so in almost five months. None of your players have committed rape or been arrested for felonious assault, in almost 10 months. When they do that stuff again, we will point it out again.

      But what about you, you whiny little chUMp? You opened your big mouth, so let's hear it: HOW MANY POINTS ARE YOU OFFERING?

      If you don't offer points, you admit you think UM is the underdog. So offer the points, we'll take them, then we'll take your money. Until then, STFU.


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